SALOU - PAMPLONA - Bus offers
The bus service of Vibasa which hich permits to travel from Salou to Pamplona is the cheapest as well offers a direct service and without transhipment.
Enjoy all the comfort of our top of the range buses at the minimum price and relax yourself during the trip: Comfort Plus seats, WC toilets, free WI-FI on board the bus, individual sockets. You will check that the journey to Pamplona it is not longer time wasted but well spent!
Buy a bus ticket for the route Salou - Pamplona at only 23,60€, with Youth Card at 20,05€ or a return ticket with a 20% discount in the return at 42,50€.
Remember that with Vibasa you can also do this route in the opposite direction (Pamplona - Salou) or travel to Pamplona from Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, Burgos and Pontevedra.