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Spring Festival (Murcia)

As every year, Murcia prepares to host the Fiestas de Primavera, a celebration that follows in the wake of the end of Easter and is one of the most important in the city. 

Among the main events of these local celebrations is the Bando de la Huerta (the most important day), declared Fiesta of International Tourist Interest. It always takes place on Tuesday of Easter Week,  and this meant the beginning of these spring celebrations. 

The Bando begins with the Floral Offering to the Virgen de la Fuensanta, patron saint of the city, followed by a multitudinous parade of floats where the participants dress up in the typical local costume. Giants and big-heads, music bands, fairground stall and the typical food of the region (pipirrana, paparajotes, michirones...) are the undisputed protagonists of this Tuesday. 

Another of the most important events of these fiestas is the Entierro de la Sardina (Burial of the Sardine), which it is celebrated every Saturday after Holy Week for more than 150 years, and it has also been declared of International Tourist Interest.

Leave the car at home and get to Murcia comfortably from the districts with the TMP (Public Transport in the Region of Murcia, in English). 

Fiesta, colour, joy and lots of tradition -come and enjoy!

Ayuntamiento de Murcia