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Falles (Valencia)

The Fallas of Valencia are considered International Celebration of Tourist Interest and thousands of people from all over the world come to this traditional, artistic and sentimental party every year.

The streets of Valencia are full of impressive papier-mache monuments: ninots, which are authentic satirical and critical works of art.

You will be able to enjoy them up to the day of the Cremá, the day in which they are burnt under an authentic show of firework, lights and music. All but one of the “Ninots” will be burnt; the one chosen by popular vote will be part of the Fallas Museum.

Although The Fallas are celebrated from 15th March to 19th March, the atmosphere is heating up from 1st March, by means of the Mascletás, thunderous, firework shows which occur at the The Town Hall Square at 14:00h p.m. every day.

Undoubtedly, another emotional moment of The Fallas of Valencia is the Floral Tribute to the Virgin of the Desamparados (Patron Saint of the city of Valencia and of the Autonomous Community of Valencia), in which the Commissions of The Fallas form a mountain of flowers of fourteen metres high in honour of their Patron Saint.

If you have already gone to The Fallas of Valencia, we know you will come back and if you have never gone to see them, what are you waiting for? Buy your ticket, Monbus takes you!

Travel by bus (regular line) to Valencia from: Albacete, Cuenca, Ciudad Real, Villarrobledo or La Roda among others. You can also check information about our discretional service or renting a car and organise the trip as you want.
